Friday, July 28, 2006

Don’t Rush Me!

I am not a morning person.

In the mornings I prefer to be a hermit. I talk to no one. I follow my routine.

Staying over at Dracs place is particularly challenging. He is a hermit in disguise. He has this twelve step routine to getting ready each morning. He hogs the bathroom till the last second and gets irritated if you happen to reach for his precious eye serum or want to brush your teeth, whilst he is at the sink.

This morning he got on my nerves. First off he took forever in the bathroom, then as soon as he is done, he starts yelling, Come on Marls I have to leave in five minutes. Now you have to realize I am still dripping wet from taking my five minute shower, have not brushed my teeth, have not dried my hair, and not done the ‘make up’ thing yet. He doesn’t say it just once. He makes a song out of it. For the next ten minutes he is yelling, and rushing me. I hate being rushed. He was like an annoying drill sergeant. I could have slapped him.

Last night was fantabulous… his friends came over, we made strawberry daiquiris. They played the guitar and drums. And I just lay there, feeling like the queen of Sheba, with her own personal entertainment staff. Amazing.

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