Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I developed a complex watching America’s Next Top Model.

I remember the scene clearly, J Manuel and Hottie Nigel Barker were pointing to a girl, discussing how her inner thighs touched.

This was considered to be an indication that she was too fat.

It is really hot in Toronto and I am wearing a very tight Pencil skirt. And my inner thighs are having a rub fete. It’s one of those days.


The OE said...

I totally have a great ANTM story, but all I can say publicly is that it got me into a little bit of...friction.

Jay said...

Doesn't that just mean you have skinny hips? Isn't that what all girls want?

Anonymous said...

Listen, I was feeling that way a couple weeks ago. Was talking to a youngster (18/19 yo) and she was saying one way to know that you're fat is if your thighs rub. Now why did I feel my thighs rubbing together a few days after that convo? So that couldn't be true. I'm not fat and those girls fromm ANTM certainly aren't either.

Anonymous said...

Wait don't sdwap yet let me catch you in those skirt first...

Unknown said...

Rub fete! LOL! I agree with Bobby!

Jhaldir said...

I find the whole thigh rubbing thing sexy...

kimba said...

yes - pissing my pants at rub fete - like everyone else here.. :)

funny gal.. :)

Miz JJ said...

That is not a sign you are fat. It is just a sign you have left adolescence. Only women the body's of fourteen year old boys have thighs that do not rub together.

Crankyputz said...

Update: Do You know How amazing It felt taking that skirt off yesterday? Needless to say I was in my underwear for the rest of the day....

Dee said...

I'm with portland
some people have such wide hips they'd have to put on quite a bit of weight for their thighs to rub.
just apply a little vaseline to keep the chafing to a minimum and stop watching those silly reality shows. Why not watch a nice detective type show like CSI or The Closer.

Gooders Girl said...

ANTM is the best thing on TV! That show has taken me to new heights with their model tips, I have been rockin, south beach and there I am always the fattest girl in the club and I am a size 6-7.

Jay wants a vagina and he just lost the 20lbs he put on and Nigel's (he is fine) top model too tall marger wife is a beast!

Baby it's not that serious Tyra's thighs has been touching for at least 6 cycles now an' fi har battie nuh stop jump!

Anonymous said...

What? Ya thighs ain't supposed to touch? Why somebody din tell me before now?

Adrian said...

It doesn't mean that you are fat, I think its all about bone structure.

I have to go against fiyah and say I love girls whos thighs don't rub though. It's still ok if they do, I love em all :p

dalia said...

in modelling they talk about the "three diamonds" in which there need to be three sets of spaces in the legs:

the first between the thighs;
the second between the knees and the calves;
the third between the calves and the ankles;

i heard about that when i was about 10. you have no idea what that does to a 10-year-old, and to this day, 23 years later, and much much wiser, tell me i don't reference it and sometimes feel ungainly when the thighs rub? ME who could use a good roti and some irish moss three times a day...

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel...but I'm not content with it. That ain't kosher for a girl my age and size. I'm heading back to the gym.

Abeni said...

Girl,if you have to worry about everything you hear we will all need shrinks