Looking forward to a sumptuous lunch provided by a supplier, I eagerly left for work today early, only to find myself stuck in traffic for two hours, finally getting into work at 9.30. So I dilly dallied till 11 am, and then flew down to the car, armed with directions from a usually trusty map quest. I innocently follow the directions for about an hour, until it finally dawns on me that none of the streets I've passed resemble anything from my last visit. So after an hour, like a good woman, I call a friend and ask her to map quest it for me again. And she gets the same directions with a few loops. So I retrace my steps and end up driving in one humongus frustrating circle. I finally get so irritated (my legs at this point have gone limp from inertia) that I desperately grab on to a fellow and ask where am I. After determining that I am about another hour from my intended location, I give up and decide to go back to work. Only it takes me another 45 mins to circle back to our parking garage, because of Toronto's insane love of one way streets.
Ever get the feeling that someone just didn't want you to get somewhere? Is this evidence of God?
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