Thursday, September 06, 2007

Thursday Thoughts:

It’s nice living on my own place, peaceful, serene, I love waking up in the morning to have tea on my balcony.

I am worried about my friend. She is about to marry the wrong guy. I honestly tried to give him another chance after they got engaged, but this time I am plain ole fed up. He’s not going to change, and I can’t stand by and watch her make this mistake. I almost feel the need to round up an army and take the fellow out. If only life were that simple….sometimes you have to hurt people to save them from their own blindness….

The past tenant is stressing me out. She has called me five days straight wanting this or that, asking me not to tell her family where she is, etc. She showed up on Tuesday wanting to pick up a modem, smelling of the good stuff at five in the evening, acting truly eccentric, pushing her way into the condo, ohhing and ahhing and then proceeding to find things to take with her. She hasn’t called at all today…could this be a good sign??

My bedroom floor is covered in three feet of clothes. Everyday I wake up promising to fold/hang them and then end up coming home pooped….

Trust is huge deal to me. Huge….deal breaker kind of thing… I think it’s a big deal to most normal people, it’s what allows you to exist in the world, you sort of have to trust the people you interact with on a daily basis not to kill you, or hurt you in some way. And then there are relationship type trust….you trust your family to love you unconditionally, and your friends to be loyal and true. You trust the person you fall for to be good, kind, honest and sweet. However it’s the last kind of trust that seems to evade me. It seems that I’ve run out….anyone have an extra stash I can borrow?

I want to buy a painting; infact an Uncle of mine greased my palm with $100 bucks at a family party Saturday night. I felt all but 6 years old, glee full at my new stash. I went to home sense the next day, tongue hanging out in anticipation, only to find my gorgeous painting, torn…..Now I am debating on a holly go lightly print from Ikea….if I can just reconcile myself to the fact that every other woman near an Ikea store owns it…I could go ahead.

I am very boring to google.

It’s very cold in this office.

How can I sneak out of here now? (This seems to be a recurring thought.)

I have a meeting in a few minutes with a very bubbly person. She is so sweet and bubbly, that I am getting a headache thinking about it. It’s three o’clock and all I can do at 3 o’clock meetings is try and stifle my yawns….


dalia said...

i envy the tea on the balcony thing. le sigh. can't wait to have a shoebox of my own...

as for your friend: can you send her an anonymous letter? why do you dislike the guy?

Jdid said...

no homesense or ikea paintings get something original. its doesnt need to be super expensive.

used to be a cool dude who sold original stuff in yorkville over by the Lush (which i believe is now gone) or go to one of the street festivals or harbourfront or something. lots of cool stuff available out there.

regarding the former tennant umm didnt she move all her stuff out cause you know you have a right not to let her back into YOUR home. whatever she left is now yours she should not be messing around the place. change your locks just in case too cause she sounds questionable

George said...

Don't let her in. It was her place and now it's yours. If she wants something she left behind ... too damn bad. She had more than enough opportunities to get all her belongings out.

Christie said...

Yeah, I would change the locks and say "Tough titties" to her. Didn't she have enough time to get her stuff out?

The OE said...

When you google a secret agent you either get no response, or so many responses you can't sift through all the information.

Miz JJ said...

I hate when friends marry losers. I just try to avoid the husband. I figure I am not marrying him, so I will mind my business. Nothing good can come of saying anything. That's my 2 cents.

Ugh at bubbly people. Why must I suffer because you are so happy?? Lol.

Anonymous said...

Just do what I do: trust no one. Much easier that way. And who are you to decide if her partner is right for her? Perhaps her standards are different from yours.

Abeni said...

The most you can do for your friend is be a friend. I doubt you can change her mind or anything

Unknown said...

It's her her life, her decision to make, she will have to live with her decision. As Abeni said, "the most you can do for your friend is be a friend".

Dee said...

I'm with JDid on the something original. Lots of great stuff out there that nobody near or far from IKEA will have.

re your friend
sometimes there are things about a relationship that a person cannot communicate to those outside. No one can understand what it is you have. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that that's what's going on with your friend.

Anonymous said...

On the friend I'm not so sure that there is anything that you can say or do that will make one bit of difference. Just stay friends since if you are right stuff will hit the fan soon enough.

Karabana said...

I had a friend who will probably marry the wrong guy, too, & damned all the people who know this if they tell her that. She always has to learn on her own, she's not one to listen to warnings, very stubborn & feels she's always right. That's the way it is with a lot of people.