I have come away from my trip to Vegas, with a new appreciation for my 2 B’s.
With an abundance of burlesques shows, and hooker adverts everywhere, in Vegas you are bombarded by the two B’s. You are almost guaranteed to see a pair of breasts at least once during the day. The breasts come in two varieties, fake or real. This was the first time I got to examine fake Boobs up close. I have to say that compared to the real thing, the fake ones, and look plain weird. The nipples are always humongous and odd. The shapes are like melons, and they never move. Perhaps the men can fill me in on how they feel, but I have to say I came away with a new appreciation for my ladies, they are perfect, perky and all natural. Also men, I just don’t get your fascination with the girls, it was actually boring to see them flopping everywhere….
As for behinds, I think Vegas is suffering from a shortage of exotic behinds. No offense to the non exotics who read this blog (really we are all exotic in our own way!), but I did not see one person of color naked (besides the crazy African dude from Zumanity, and he was a dude and did not count.) If you are going to do a show about the appreciation of the female form, I believe it is only right to do one that includes a variety of races and faces. Also all the girls in the line up were in a serious need of a tan.
That being said, I also have a new appreciation for my J-Lo-esque posterior….
Vegas did a lot for my self esteem.
Ohh you want to hear stories now….
With an abundance of burlesques shows, and hooker adverts everywhere, in Vegas you are bombarded by the two B’s. You are almost guaranteed to see a pair of breasts at least once during the day. The breasts come in two varieties, fake or real. This was the first time I got to examine fake Boobs up close. I have to say that compared to the real thing, the fake ones, and look plain weird. The nipples are always humongous and odd. The shapes are like melons, and they never move. Perhaps the men can fill me in on how they feel, but I have to say I came away with a new appreciation for my ladies, they are perfect, perky and all natural. Also men, I just don’t get your fascination with the girls, it was actually boring to see them flopping everywhere….
As for behinds, I think Vegas is suffering from a shortage of exotic behinds. No offense to the non exotics who read this blog (really we are all exotic in our own way!), but I did not see one person of color naked (besides the crazy African dude from Zumanity, and he was a dude and did not count.) If you are going to do a show about the appreciation of the female form, I believe it is only right to do one that includes a variety of races and faces. Also all the girls in the line up were in a serious need of a tan.
That being said, I also have a new appreciation for my J-Lo-esque posterior….
Vegas did a lot for my self esteem.
Ohh you want to hear stories now….
Ps: I am rather disappointed that none of my readership are boxing fans....it's killing my spirit to boast
J-Lo-esque posterior??? OK now you have my attention.
@scratchie: Yup! That one got me too... please do expound on the posterior cranky!
Most definitely do aprreciate my all natural small girls
I'm all ears...
you would think they could catch a tan living in the desert. Oh, but tanning isn't healthy anymore. Never mind.
Glad u got back safe.
Hope you'll have some tiny pics.
There was no nudity on my mission to Vegas. It's good that you are coming out of the closet. In your own way. Some things don't need to be treated as Top Secret.
LOL. Get outta my head. No wonder Fiyah thinks we're the same person.
Maybe it's just me, but I don't get the big to-do about JLo's ass. I actually think it's quite average. Now Kim Kardashian??? Good grief.
Glad you had a safe trip m'dear.
wait! you have a j-lo esque posterior? waaaaaaaaaaaaa....... seriously?? you mean jennifer lopez right? oh this is too too toooo funny
boy fiyah I think de gal trying to fool you and scratchie. she look nice an all but I aint kno bout this j-lo ting :-)
You have a J-Lo-esque posterior? Damn! No wonder the guys are rushing you so. As for me, I like my women all natural.
Jeez, how you guys focus on one thing....Jdid according to my dad n mum I have a J lo behind.....
Girl i make number three on the Jlo waitng to see more crew... fiyah scratchie uunoo go up and gimme some room... there has got to be ass for for good eye food
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