Hectic weekend consisted of a bar, meeting a S’s new ‘soon to be’ boyfriend, going to comedy show (thank you Investor’s Group) and a date.
You guys want to hear all about the comedy show right??
Lol, The date was a very nice fellow I met at Mr. Lube. (I tell you I get picked up all sorts of weird places.) The guy was very nice, very polite and he was giving me a lot of helpful hints about Dante, so when he asked for my number I thought, why not, I always need car help. Then he called, and I realized that perhaps he wanted to talk more about things other than the car, he invited me for coffee and like a very bad girl, I accidentally forgot a couple of times. But he was relatively persistent without being pushy and he invited me to hang at the beach yesterday. So in the spirit of openness, I went to hang. And as it turns out, he’s a great guy, very easy going, hardworking and he opens doors, car doors, all doors in general.
(I am aware that this sounds very shallow.)
He’s short.
Like my height without heels. And I’m a petite girl, our kids would be midgets.
Also no butterflies….but for now at least, I’ve got a new friend.
Cranky... I mean seriously... no other blogger cracks me up as much at work! LOL!
OK... so you HAVE to give this new guy the moniker "Mr. Lube". Oh and its priceless that Mr. Lube is good at opening doors! In a Jiffy? LOL!
I need to get back to work...
And what about Mr. I don't like curry in the house? I liked him because he was cute.
Anyway, that's besides the point. I'm glad you had a good weekend and stand to receive great automotive advice.
oh for crying out loud! is that the only knock on him? his height?
Why JDid? Yuh short?
Ohh Fighting words.....Fiyah, I'm glad I make u laugh, and make ya feel comfortable enough to start shit with poor Jdid...
GC: Blind Date has a girlfriend....thank goodness...cuz that man was a freakin giant...
I'm with you on the short thing. Yes, I am totally shallow.
Serves you well for cradle robbing! lol
Just kidding
btw, ask him if they really do the transmission flush bc I saw a special and 5 out of 9 places didn't. That's a rip off!!
Oh yeah, friends are great
most short guys i know suffer from SMS (Short Man Syndrome)so am a tad hesitant. friends is a good place wonder if he is ok with that.
well I'm glad at 6'2" I don't have to be worried about written off due to height.
is there such a thing as tall man syndrome? I <3 short girls lol
Ouch! Sounds very shallow indeed. Give him a chance. Look at Betty and Barney. They seem pretty happy! By the way, Mr. Lube is a totally gross nickname.
Yikes. But I'm shallow too sometimes, we want what we want... why settle for less? There's shallow and then there's realistic. I never like to be in a realationship with someone who I'm not happy with the basics. Height/Weight/Hygeine. They don't have to be perfect, but there is a general range of acceptability. It's not shallow, it's just life.
eh. i was a tallist, too, and then i realized that height ain't nuthin but a number. CP, you've seen pics of me and my boy... he's LICKLE BIT!
but, he's sweet. he's friggin' amazing. and if i put him off the list 'cause he is short, well, i'd be missing out on a trip to st. maarten for my bday i tell you what! lol
seriously though? the heart wants what it wants, sometimes without stopping to focus on what it needs.
if short is his only foible, i say go out with him a few times.... and, if you're still hung up on it, then dash him weh!
no point in sticking around if it don't make ya tingle...
At the risk of sounding shallow as well..I like men to be tall but there are worse things than being short
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