Monday, December 10, 2007

Cranky Putz is so bored, She is writing about herself in Third Person….

People who talk/write about themselves in third person are weird.

It’s like they are overly fascinated with themselves…

But then I am a fascinating person.

Entertain Cranky Putz…pulesseeee


James D. Schwartz said...

Confusius say: "Man who run behind car get exhausted, but man who run in front of car get tired."

Crankyputz said...

Seriously Jim, you went all the way to China, and that's what you came back with??

Abeni said...

Go shopping..always works for me

James D. Schwartz said...

lol, well I didn't think you'd want to hear about the upset digestive system that I also brought back from China :)

Crankyputz said...

Jim, no worries, an upset digestive system is one of those 'must have' gifts when visiting a developing nation....

Ness said...

I'm pretty bored myself, so not much advice here! Been spending too much time on Facebook, which I find is a good way to waste lots of time.. Actually just friended you - you'll see we have a mutual blogging NY friend in common. It comes from my full government name, but don't let that put you off!