Monday, December 10, 2007

Older Men

A couple of weeks ago I bumped into a gentleman I see around my office downtown. He is in his early forties, and looks like someone from one of those movies, with the hair, and the ostentatious suits, an ‘Older Charmer.’ After years of taking the same elevator we became ‘Hello’ Buddies, you know the kind you politely say ‘Hello’ to without every introducing yourself or even having a conversation with.

So when I ran into him outside our normal elevator setting, my hello went unanswered, and replaced with a look of, ‘I know you from somewhere’……granted I was wrapped up in a swathing of wool…..

Today I ran into him again and he stopped me to say, “It was you that night, I’m sorry, I wasn’t sure.” And so we made the introductions, exchanged pleasantries and like good Bay Street residents, business cards. The conversation fell to that night, and I explained that I lived in the area, and was on my way home, and he explained that he was living with his nephew which was a long story and they were going for dinner. He didn’t seem particularly thrilled about this new state of affairs, so I’m guessing there is the word, divorce in the story.

I get back to my desk and there is an email from “Older Charmer” asking me out to coffee.

Now I think he would be a very interesting person to get to know, from a life point of view, but from a romantic point of view, its sort of funny…..he’s old!!!

Anyhoo, I may just take him up on the offer, after all…he probably has tons of wisdom to pass along…(Hey Now, I heard that……!)….Also I think its funny that he as the name of a Ron Howard Novel….hmmm wonder what the nephew’s like??


Anonymous said...

So Carrie Bradshawish. Well, hello Mr. Big...

Moderator said...

Thanks for not mentioning me by name.

Crankyputz said...

GM, your identity is safe with me..

Awathif...welcome....but he's more like that Russian she dated at the end....what was his name???

Dee said...

I hope to still be considered young in my early forties.

That said--hope you have some nice times. Older can so often mean the highest of standards. Like Orchids, reservations, and the best seats in the house.

Anonymous said...

Wow. The guy must be quite the charmer. What's the matter Cranky? Don't like older men?

Jdid said...


SimplEnigma said...

They're good to talk to, but I cannot imagine being in bed with an old dude...Don't want no one with anything more shrivelled than mine. LOL.

You're funny...

dalia said...

hey! old is good. old has money (usually) and old pays for dinner. old opens doors and calls when he says he will. old usually knows his way around a bedroom. old will humor your every whim and encourage your passions. old is a good listener. old is usually only for a limited time.

i say get while the gettin's good.

Melody said...

Live wid nephew ... hmmm ... that's kinda 'off' -- anyway, big o' yu not holdin' that against him, bigamy if there's no divorce yet:)

Christina_the_wench said...

40 is old? Girl, I'm gonna have to slap you silly....

Crankyputz said...

Relative to me, and in reference to dating....keep it in context Tina....

Anonymous said...

older men are good - especially if they keep themselves in shape!!!

mmmmm, Mr Big...

Radmila said...

40-ish is closer than you think.

Christie said...

That's right, use him for the nephew. He's obviously nice enough to let an old guy crash at his place and cramp his style. Or his D&D games if he's a giant nerd. You've got a 50/50 shot, right.

Mad Bull said...

I'm with GC, Dalia and Christina the Wench.

IrieDiva said...

yeah im wid GC and Dalia too

Chris Wilson said...

This thread is probably old but I have to say that old is as old does! And what is with old at 42-44!??? That is so not old. I'm 46. I lift weights (since I've been 18), run, climb and everyone mistakes me for mid 30s. My wife is 16 years younger than I am and she is a hottie with a body! "Old dudes" know what works with women (in all areas) and we have the money to treat them to the things they want in life. Give us a break!