Friday, August 18, 2006

Things I will do when I buy my own place:

Sleep, walk around and do select chores all natural!

Make my balcony a hippie haven, complete with cheesy Chinese lanterns

Have a million paintings and colors everywhere….

Learn to cook

Have only a bed for the first six months

Somehow steal/buy the amazing colossal painting from Nawlins

Throw a party, a mega party, and invite everyone I know, have ever known, and want to get to know (have a nutty theme, may make people wear togas….always wanted to know what the fuss over togas was about.)

On Sunday afternoons, open all the windows, let the sun stream in and take a nap listening to some amazing jazz

Guiltlessly have an hour long shower

Throw weekend parties, and only invite friends that can play an instrument and love to drink wine

Have someone make me breakfast in bed….so as to make use of the silly breakfast tray I bought needlessly from Ikea

Wait till I have no underwear left to do laundry

Accidentally leave lights on and have no person to yell at me about it

Recruit for a snobby intellectual circle, (with at least one member, who has long scraggly hair and thick black rimmed glasses,) and talk for hours about hypothetical/random things, that have no bearing on reality

Stock the fridge with tons of Juice, and enjoy the fact that it does not disappear instantaneously

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