Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Illusionist & a Disillusioned Blogger

Last night I saw the Illusionist with my mentee. It was a great little movie, I love Magic tricks. One of the highlights of my Europe back packing stint was seeing David Blaine suspended from London Bridge for no apparent reason.

Come to think of it I haven’t seen any great illusionists lately. Is Magic a dying art form? The last famous illusionist in recent memory is Blaine, but then he began to get silly by doing his not so interesting ‘sitting in ice for twelve days’- type tricks.

The most intriguing trick I have seen lately was on America’s Got Talent. David and Dania specialized in quick clothing changes, and it was pretty fantastic. I still have no idea how they did it, and I have googled it quite extensively.

What I can’t stand are those ‘Magic revealed shows.’ Magicians and Illusionists should be made to take a shyster’s oath. Never, ever reveal the secrets of the trade, except to the next generation of illusionists.

In other thoughts, I am mildly miffed that no one comments here. Which is funny because this started as a private, no one I know should ever read this kind of blog. How soon I have fallen victim to the pull of Blogging popularity. So here are possible ways to increase commentary:
-Advertise to ‘chosen friends’
Cons: It will likely get out of control and may fall into the wrong hands
-Actively quote and link to other blogs, with the idea that the authors will be so flattered that they will read my blog.
Cons: I would be a blogger despo
-Begin to up my blog game, and write actually interesting blogs as opposed to the usual what I did last night flare.
Cons: It seems like a tiring affair, to always be brilliant ;)

Guess I will have to settle with site meter telling me that it is I who visits the site 10 times each day. Sigh!

1 comment:

Marika said...

Ah...without ruining the symmetry of having no comments on this post, I feel compelled to say something!

I am in exactly the same boat, you're torn between writing for yourself, and feeling like you're writing for others. My theory is that if you're publishing on a blog, then it was never intended to just be for yourself; otherwise you'd be keeping a journal in a shoe box under your bed.

I think that option 2 is the best way forward - that way your brilliance spreads slowly, and grows from itself. Like compound interest.

Great blog, by the way :)