This morning I get a message from a head hunter.
Her message: “Hey CP, How are you, Long time no talk, I’ve got this really exciting opportunity available and I have to talk to you about it, Give me a call as soon as you have a chance.”
I am literally shaking with excitement. I begin to imagine, a new office, all things I would buy with the extra mullah, an exciting new title that includes Sr. somewhere…
Salivating I call her back,
CP: Hey HH, How are you? Got your message….
HH: Oh I have a cold….(and proceeds to whine about the cold for five minutes)
CP: (Polite grunts and suggestions of Buckleys)
HH: Oh so the reason I called is I have this exciting opportunity.
CP: (Fainting with excitement) Yes, Yes tell me more.
HH: It pays fabulously, a very senior role.
CP: (I am fabulous, I can do Senior)
HH: It’s a buyer role for an international company
CP: (Confused~ Last I checked I was still in HR)
HH: Describes the position in detail- So if you know anyone, do tell me about it.
CP: (Irritated silence…… This woman has to be kidding.)
Moral of the story, Head Hunters are like annoying telemarketers who tell you, you’ve won a fabulous trip to Mexico, and then inform you that you have to sign up for a timeshare!
Know what that feels like!
oh that sucks
Shysters the lot of them.
Welcome Jdid...
I'm sure the next call will be for you :)
Grey's Anatomy tonight .. are we on?
We sure are! Here's hoping that Grey and McDreamy, finally get some guilt free love!
At least your headhunter left a message. I've had one call my cell at least three times in a row without ever actually leaving a voicemail. Good wishes that the next call offers you something fabulous.
Welcome Bits and Giggles, We are both Capricorns....(See profiles are useful)
Capricorns are fabulous Creatures...
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