Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Seeing RED!

The highlight of my mornings, is parking at Kennedy station.

Every morning, the competition is stiff. This morning, after patiently waiting in line for 15 minutes, I finally get to the entrance, and a quick scan tells me that there are about 3 precious spots left. Now I would like reiterate that I waited in line for 15 minutes. When dude comes from the other side, and pushes his way ahead. So I honk and he graciously gives me the finger. Walking to the station we exchange a few words, me thanking him for the finger first thing in the morning, him mouthing off a bunch of expletives, saying I’m a woman driver, and what was he supposed to do, that it was common sense to cut in front of someone. Frankly I didn’t dispute any of it. But by his logic, I had every right to be pissed-common sense after all. Also when he called me a woman driver bitch, it took every politically correct bone in my body not to point out that he was a ‘Chinese’ driver. Jack ass. I did tell him that if I was a man I would kick his ass. And frankly I was so tempted to drop kick him.

So that’s how my wonderful day started, and I won’t even get into the details of how last night ended. Suffice to say that I need all of you out there, to make me once again believe in the goodness of the ‘human being,’ cuz I am plum out of examples.


Scratchie said...

well from the mere fact that you didn't drop kick him is proof enough that there still are good people out there. Not sure I would have had the restraint not to.

Crankyputz said...

Thanks, but trust me, after the fifth time called me 'bitch' I was swearing right back....the wunnerful people in the world.

Hottie Hottie said...

But what de hell!!!! Just think about Carnival. I know it's hard but that man must have a hernia or something. Doh study it.

Crankyputz said...

haha, maybe the next time I see dude I should offer to put him in the 'construction' uniform.....

Anonymous said...

Oh I can't stand them sometimes! "And frankly I was so tempted to drop kick him." That's funny. hehe

bitsandgiggles said...

Your restrant is proof that not all is lost for humanity. Karma will get him eventually. It always does.

Crankyputz said...

You guys are way too nice to me. I saw him this morning too, and still wanted to drop kick him...

*~*Cece*~* said...

I have to say that lately I've noticed an increase in asshole drivers. What is it? Is it the weather or what? Ugh.

Sorry your morning began that way.

Crankyputz said...

Welcome Cece!

Jdid said...

wait a second kennedy station and you work downtown. ok this is getting a bit too close for comfort now. :-)

personally I feel ya shudda kicked his ass though.

Crankyputz said...

jdid- lol, really kennedy too eh....hmm.....great now you got me looking at every person I see on the subway....