Is it Terrible blowing off your only real date in years, because it was too far and you began to think that if it did work out, would I be expected to do it on a regular basis?
Why not nip it in the bud now, like a preemptive strike?
Dude lives in Mississauga. I live in Scarborough. Dude says, ‘let’s meet half way.’ He doesn’t say it once, he says it twice, thrice….every time I suggest a location he says, ‘but that’s not halfway’ like a whinny kid, like I’m not being fair.
And I think to myself, if Dude is making a big deal of meeting me half way on the first date…..this is going nowhere.
So I cancelled.
Take that….Society of Romantics and Misled hopefuls.
Good for you. I would have done the same thing too...any guy who starts whining BEFORE the first date doesn't deserve the pleasure of meeting you.
It all depends. If both parties think it can work, then they should continue. If one is unsure, then they should end it.
I dunno. Sounds like you guys are already acting like an old married couple :) He may be the one!!
thats your reason?? wuss! :-)
Considering that I have no clue as to where Mississ... is I can't really talk about the distance thing. Too lazy to go get a map right about now.
I agree with you though. He should be anxious to meet that if you said Timbuktoo I would try to see how best I could fit it in.
I agree Cranky. If he's not compromising at first, it's only going to get worse. Good choice.
good idea
get out before anybody gets hurt
Some guys wanna go Dutch on dinner; he starts off aimin' ta go Dutch on de distance?! TO DA CURB!! Wit da quickniss!!
This better not be who I think it is!
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