Tuesday, October 02, 2007

It’s Tuesday and at the end of the week we Canadians are celebrating Thanksgiving.

Now since I am the first generation immigrant, I really don’t share in other Canadians tradition of thanking the settlers who first came up to this country to harvest corn and build a nation. Frankly I have always wondered what they were thinking. I mean they came from places like Florida and Mexico, warm, sunny places, to the freaking cold. Fine I get that they could have wandered here accidentally, but walk back down people, walk back down….

Moving on…..

Since today is a rainy day, a morning conversation usually starts off like this:

“Hey CP, Nice outfit, (You knew I would throw that in there!) Crappy day today eh….total sleep in weather eh?”

And after the weather, what other mundane topic is there but the upcoming long weekend.

“Any big plans for the weekend?

Now most people would reply, ‘Oh you know the usual thanksgiving with the family, maybe a walk in the park, maybe a hot date….’

Those would be the usual responses….

But you know what I’m doing this long weekend??

I’m going to Vegas Baybeeeee….

And Now worries, what ever happens in Vegas (and I hope a lot happens in Vegas) I will blog about! El Promisio….


Anonymous said...

Holding you to that promise. Enjoy Vegas, I hear it's nice. Win some money and share it with the bloggers.

Dee said...
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Jdid said...

you cant blog about vegas, you just cant

Rhea Martins said...

Have a ball!

Jhaldir said...

Have fun! Check out some of the shows if you can.

Oh... and don't make any out of town booty calls while you're there. Thats just rude.

Anonymous said...

What happened to 'what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas??

bitsandgiggles said...

aw, so jealous! have fun!

Anonymous said...

I just got back from Vegas. You'll have a blast. Do you know where you're staying?

soumynona said...

You are funny! Whatever happens in Vegas happens everywhere!!

The OE said...

What is Top Secret stays Top Secret

Anonymous said...

I need to put Las Vegas on my things to do list....Have fun though CP....and we are all looking for the stories......of course depending on what happens....somethings might really be better off staying in vegas!!!!

PS.....make sure you win nuff nuff nuff money!!!!

Eddo said...

Hey CP! Vegas Baby! How fun is that.

Well, have a great time and win some big money. No slots, only Black Jack!

Anonymous said...

hey thgis might sound a bit cliche ...but win a ting fi mi nuh... i got paypal ...zeen :)

that girl said...

vegas is awesome. bring extra lotion, though - it's friggin DRY out there!

have fun!

Abeni said...


gishungwa said...

Enjoy till then will be pacing here waiting for the gory details ;)