Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Cottage-ing is synonymous for adult sleepovers. I spent this weekend with 25 friends and 4 kids under the age of 2 in a mansion cottage. The cottage itself was lovely, with slanted roofs, and little hiding places. The weather was terrible, but the food, the alcohol, the feeling of beating all the felas at poker, was amazing.

I’ve come back at least 5 pounds heavier. Which has me thinking that I am going to have a re-set week, where I shut down from my addiction to TV, PVR, Twitter, FB, Blogging etc, go meat and alchol free. Hmm wonder how long I can go, without turning on my pretty MAC?

Dracs took his daughter and me out for a quick lunch. She is such a loving, little doll. We were a pretend family for about 20 minutes, then he began to look at his watch and I remembered why I did not want to have a family with him.

I am keen on going on a mini shopping trip to Buffalo. Any Torontonians have advice on the best way to do this ie. Drive vs. bus shopping trip? Anyone wanna come? Blogger meetup/shopping trip?

I have had two Earl Grey’s this morning, yet I still feel like Leo in Inception…..is it all a dream?

My best friend has joined me at work. We are pretending to be casual acquaintances. Except every time I see him, I want to hug him and laugh.

1 comment:

IrieDiva said...

yay for best friendsat work!