Monday, November 20, 2006

I love pencil skirts. Their sexy, they hug your bottom perfectly, their professional.

But it is such a bitch to get around in.

Walking up the stairs at Yonge today I felt like a penguin. And when you’re already of petite stature, the pencil skirt is disastrous to your stride.

This morning on the daily walkathon through the tunnel from Kennedy parking lot to the station, I was left in the dust.


Abeni said...

Price we pay for fashion:)

Dee said...

quick, tell us, where did you buy the pencil skirts--I need like 3 or 4
hope it's a store available here in NYC

Crankyputz said...

Sorry! Stores in TO, however you could arrange to visit us, what's a 10 hour drive??

Marika said...

I too love a good pencil skirt, but for some reason they always make me want to stand pigeon toed.

Dee said...
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Dee said...

gosh, aren't they online? This is the 20th century
anyway I have a cousin in London, TO I'll try to see by the end of the year so do tell me

Dee said...

I meant London, ON

Crankyputz said...

A store called Costa Blanca, sells them by the truck load, or le Chateu's the new look...if you come to London, you must visit TO and moi!

bitsandgiggles said...

I love pencil skirts...until I'm confronted with a really high curb. Then it's time for the Penguin In Heels Hop.