You know what pisses me off to no end??
When you’re happily typing away in Word and it decides to shut down. Microsoft populates an error message that says,
When you’re happily typing away in Word and it decides to shut down. Microsoft populates an error message that says,

And you click OK, to create the 'error report' and nothing happens.
Who the F*&^ is this system administrator?
He/She never ever replies back.
It’s like some black hole in internet land, where a zillion of these useless messages go.
Why ask if your not going to do something about it???
Kick it. Kick it real hard. That's what I do. And now the computer doesn't have the balls to pull that crap anymore.
By clicking "Send Error Report" you are simply helping Microsoft improve their products. You are essentially a beta tester for Microsoft.
The issue that caused your program to fail should be fixed with the next version of office. Expect it in a few years ;)
Hmm, there was a time I'd LOOOONG to get error reports like these. But that was at another company when the computer tech was gorgeous.
plus they collect info on all your software that is not ...license
A secret agent never sends information over an unsecure line
Its all a farce to fool us into thinking that there i help out there in Microsoft land. What a load of crock! Thanks for pointing it out. Thought I was alone.
lol,I feel the pain.I,however no longer bother to even respond to error messages
microsoft aint helping anyone. those error messages are a waste of time
I saw that error message and thought my computer was crashing.
You newbie! You don't pay attention to my blog. No sane person uses Internet Explorer. I said to use Firefox, all problems like that eliminate in one go. By the way, I'll lay you a bet, (a trip across the pond) you've got spyware on that PC.
Forget Firefox ... get Opera ... everything that Firefox and IE do now, Opera did years ago and it is a lot smoother at doing them than either of those other 2.
I have never hit the send error report ... I ALWAYS hit don't send. Help MS and then they charge 2 arms and my first born to but their crap?
No way
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