Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Female Dynamics

Why is it that relationships between women are often fraught with challenges?

It seems that the older I get the more it becomes apparent to me that us girls can’t seem to get along.

We do on the surface: we laugh, we hug, we speak in whinny voices about Justin Bebier, but when it comes down to it, there is always a level of bitchiness.

At work, my experience has been that women are just not fun to work for. They are either catty or needy or have jealousy issues. I’m not giving men a free pass here, but by and large the majority of women I’ve reported into have been nightmares.

I’m guilty too. I have (sometimes ridiculously) high expectations of my friendships. I want people to be who they say they are, show up when they say they will, defend me (at least in public) unconditionally and tell me when I’ve done something wrong (let’s face I cannot read people’s minds.) Sometimes these expectations culminate in disappointment.

What can we do as women to get better at our relationships? You know, besides reach inside and yank out our hormones?


dalia said...

we are fraught with too much emotion. i for one, can't stand high-maintenance people, and i find a lot of the women i know are high-maintenance friends. they read too much into things, they're too analytical, they perceive the most imperceptible action as a slight, and they talk too damn much. LOL i have a fingerful of female friends, and i'd honestly love to have more...if only all women were as cool as i am. ha!

you're cool, cranky. let's be friends when i move back to toronto, deal?

Crankyputz said...


Jdid said...

dahlia and cranky friends?? wuhloss looka how trouble duz start :-)

Crankyputz said...

Jdid just a shit disturber....lol

dalia said...

hahaha! jdid, you hush!

dalia said...

(and cranky: yayyy!) :-)

Abeni said...

It's the whole competition thing.The need to be better as we are all "competing" for the same eligible pool of men. So we need to stop seeing each other as the enemy..I think (lol)

IrieDiva said...

thats y i dont have much female friends either...i cant do all of that it is draining.

Dee said...

hold them at arms' length
it's working 4 me